Wood County Democratic Executive Committee Elects New Chair

Judy Stephens has been elected the new chair of the Wood County Democratic Executive Committee and will complete the term recently vacated by Daryl Cobranchi. Judy is in her first term on the committee and is up for re-election in 2018.
Stephens has served as the manager of the Democratic Campaign Headquarters on Market Street, was the Executive Director of the Wood County Democratic Executive Committee and also serves on the West Virginia State Democratic Executive Committee. Judy was recently voted Wood County Democrat of the Year.
Stephens previously served as past president of the VFW Auxiliary in Vienna and is a lifetime member of that organization. Judy resides in Parkersburg with her husband Kerry Stephens. She has two children, James Morris of Parkersburg and Heather Armstrong of Durham, NC.
“I look forward to working with the Committee and other Democrats in Wood County to fight for the interests of working families and to continue our support of Unions and a fair living wage. My goal is to help the election efforts of Democratic candidates who work for all of us, including the elderly, the poor and the disenfranchised. There is much to be done, but we are up to the task,” Stephens said.