A Renewed Commitment in 2018

Seasons Greetings! 2017 may have been challenging for Democrats, but the last month has been exhilarating, as we witnessed huge Democratic wins in Virginia and Alabama. So, while the election of 2016 ushered in a difficult year, the tide is starting to turn and next year looks much brighter.
Current polls show a sizable advantage for Democrats in the 2018 midterms. And here in Wood County, we are ready to get to work and make sure we capitalize on this momentum. The Wood County Democratic Party will be starting the year with a renewed commitment to electing Democrats at every level of government. I know we can do this if we roll up our sleeves and work together, but it will take all of us.
I am excited to invite you all to our first event of the election year, a full day of training for both candidates and those who want to work to get Democrats elected this coming year. The training will have two separate tracks: one for candidates (or those considering running for office), and a second for those who want to work on campaigns, or to help the party in organizing and building a solid group of volunteers.
Trainers from the West Virginia Democratic Party will spend the day preparing us to Win in 2018!
Join us Saturday, January 6 from 9 -5 to meet other Democrats and get ready to win. We will meet at the First Presbyterian Church at 1342 Julianna Street in Parkersburg. Training is free open to any registered Democrat in the state of WV. Please bring your laptop if possible. Click here to sign up.
I know you may have never worked on a campaign before and you may not be certain what skills you have to offer. If you care about seeing Democrats elected in 2018, then I ask you to join us. Together, we will find a role for you in the Wood County Democratic Party.